Are you interested in being on the GSA Executive Board or College Committee Member for the 2015-2016 academic year! The GSA is looking for students with ambition, motivation, enthusiasm, and focus; who work hard, take responsibility, and know how to cooperate with other individuals who possess these same characteristics.
Nominees for the GSA Executive Board must be full-time or part-time matriculated students at SUNY Buffalo State, pay the GSA student fee, maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above, and are available to begin their term on May 16th, 2015, and serve through the entirety of their term.
Click the links below to see the responsibilities and duties of the elcted positions:
Wondering what it is the GSA does for the graduate students at SUNY Buffalo State? Our mission is to represent and support the intrests of the college's current and future graduate student community by supporting scholarly activities and providing leadership, service, and social opportunities. Some of our accomplishments include distributing over $15,000.00 in funding support, a Graduate Student Research Fair, a new Graduate Student Commons in teh library, and the establishment of four merit-based scholarships devoted solely to you, our graduate students.
The following committees have spaces for graduate student representation and are a great opportunity to gain leadership skills and new perspectives on college life.